Saturday, January 9, 2010

Things I Learned This Week

This week has been a zoo, but I swore I'd post something every week so I'm due.  Thus, these are the things I learned this week:
  • My new full-time job provides precious little free time for writing, particularly in the first week on the job.
  • Gone with the Wind is a great read when you're thinking about third person POV, how to show the passage of time in a book, how to write descriptive narrative, and just generally how to make an historical period come alive.  (Debate all you want about some of the other, less wonderful aspects of the book and I probably won't disagree.  But it's been a good read for a writer.)
  • I need to revise my NaNoWriMo book before I rewrite it.  Even though I know I'm going to rewrite the entire thing, I think the act of revision would be a helpful exercise.  Fortunately, that's the assignment for my writer's group over the next two weeks.
  • You cannot put sixteen hours of work into a ten hour work day, no matter how hard you try.  And when you try, you will not feel like cooking dinner when you get home!  Time to come up with a new plan for that whole dilemma, because this week wasn't terribly successful.
This weekend I'll be working on some things for work and possibly going vintage clothing shopping with an old friend.  Probably no writing.   *sigh*  Maybe the coming week I'll have more time?

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